What Life?: This Little Piggy Went Swheee All the Way Home

What Life?

- Shoving life's stupidities down my throat and trying to love it - and then some -

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

This Little Piggy Went Swheee All the Way Home

If power corrupts, those guys must be devils.

I had to wait a while before I wrote this down. I wouldn’t want to be a raving angry monkey while I wrote this. Might scare off my almost non-existent readers.

I went to a mall near my old colldge; I met a few friends there. Started well enough, had a few drinks, talked a while, then went to G-box (a karaoke bar) and sang a few songs.

We had a blast singing stuff there, although, most of them were studying because it was prelim week but they still recognized the moments they should laugh. That’s what I like about them.

They had to leave early, they were going to be late for their examinations, so I finished up all the songs they didn't get to sing. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed all of it. For once I didn’t feel the need to be embarrassed about my voice because there were people in the room. I actually got decent scores, better than what they got really... hehehehehwe.

After finishing the songs I hung out at San Francisco coffee, read a book I had wanted to finish. I killed time there because they were going to get dismissed at around five or six thirty in the evening. Although I got bored at around three in the afternoon, so I decided to go to back to the old college and see if anyone I knew was dismissed early.

I found a few, started talking, hanging around. I saw a few policemen in front of the gates. I didn’t know why but I took it as a good sign though. I always thought those guys were a bunch of free loading lug heads. I noticed that my friends were going out of the campus gates at around past five. It was turning to be a very good day but life's got a way of biting down on you hard right in the buttocks when you least expect it.

The policemen started approaching several students for no apparent reason, didn’t really disturb me or anything. I didn’t have anything to hide. I stood up said goodbye to people I was talking to and approached my friends we were under the shed that was right in front of our collage when a policeman approached. He, in an arrogant tone of voice, asked me if I was a student of the college. I’m not one for lying to the police so I answered "I used to be."

Then the throbbing mass of thickness yelled at me to go home or he would arrest me for stuff. I couldn't repeat his allegation because I don’t know the translation to English but my brother-in-law said it had to do with searching suspicious individuals and curfews.

My first thought was "W.T.F?" (Please excuse this there's no other term for it.) I knew my rights and I know they can't just do that. I wanted to defend myself but my friends just urged me to go home rather than fight a good fight. Although they just said "Okay Patrick, see you some other time." I could see that they thought it wasn't worth having a criminal record over. I was appalled!

That’s the reason these kind of people push us around. The police exist to protect the people not boss us around like they own everything. I wish I had a gun.

I just left. I didn’t want to be there. Two sides of the coin becoming one wasn't a really pretty sight. Like seeing heaven and hell merge into one big booze party. I could gag.

I went home and told my mom who hardly seemed to care. Even blamed the way that I dress for what happened. I could name 3 people who were dressed exactly like me. It just made me more upset.

I had a cup of tea and stayed up later than usual. Then just watched a movie about anarchy on HBO. It had instructions on making homemade bombs. Hmmm... now there's an idea.


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