What Life?: Frustation ala King with Poetry on the side

What Life?

- Shoving life's stupidities down my throat and trying to love it - and then some -

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Frustation ala King with Poetry on the side

All be it, everything happen to me and all, i wonder if i'd give a damn....

Silence falls upon my blog... as sad as it may sound i actually keep tabs on who visits... yes... i do T_T

anyways, ill keep on doing this... just because i like doing it... ill take it all in and one day who knows... i might actually get some hits again... things have a way of working themselves out... just hoping the universe doesn't conspire against me or anything...

but anyways, ive been working on this for a while its going into the third draft. its untitled but i liked it the first time i wrote it. seemed decent and worth while. what do you all invisible knickers think.

if she wants darkness
then give her the darkness that she likes
but if anything give her a light
so that she may have on beacon in the endless night
if she finds her way back from the dark beyond
if she so chooses to return to song
when she does with open arms
welcome her back to the throng
tell her of things she has missed
tales and stories of thing amiss
and when she takes a liking to the taste
let her want, cherish things so rich
then, maybe then she may want the light
let her swallow the sea and the sky
and when the spades and hearts are drawn
she might finally have her call
take her place in the company of all
and in that communion
there she might find
something burning brighter
than a candle in the night
in there bliss awaits
the longing soul trapped within
at an end the long journey will be
for this woman swimming in deep seas
and she will see the light less sky
was just time after dusk
a distraction although sweet
blinding the path she should keep
when she steps towards the arrow pointing deep
she finds everything
in a world spinning and spinning
but in time that always seems to sleep


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